Yesterday, I finished my second full length novel!
Well, to be honest, finished is maybe kind of too strong. When I write first drafts, they are very terrible–it’s really only dialogue and telling at this point. I force my characters to run the course of the plot so that I can figure out how they should be reacting, how to layer their characters–I use the first draft to get to know my characters. Then on rewrites, I put them more fully down on the page. Or at least I try to.
Right now, this is really more of a 50,000 word outline. Half of it I wrote on a iPad mini keyboard, which ends up looking I dictated it to my four year old to type, given my lack of typing skills on even a full sized keyboard. I have a huge TBR pile for research on this to get through now, and I let this book simmer in my brain for a bit while I read those, and then I’ll go back to season it properly in revisions.
So what’s next? Well, I’m beginning to revise the first novella I wrote and I think I’ll start on the next novella I have planned for this series. A writer’s work is never done, but I wouldn’t have it any other way….