So, I know I was supposed to write a year in review post yesterday, but since I plan to both look behind at 2014 and ahead at 2015 in this post, I hope you’ll forgive me.
Last year, I totaled up my word count for the year. I’m not going to do that this year, simply because I’m a little ashamed of how few new words I wrote this year. I wrote rough drafts of two novels and a novella—that’s all. (And the novella needs to be re-written, thanks to some realizations I had about it.)
But I also re-wrote and edited my first book and published that in October. I wrote a Christmas short to accompany that book and published it. And I edited my second book and will release that in three weeks.
And to everyone who read my books, reviewed them, talked about them—thank you so, so much. Once I hit that publish button, the book isn’t mine anymore—it’s yours. I hope that the time and money you invested in Summer Chaparral was repaid with some enjoyment. (And if not, I’m very, very sorry!)
I have big plans for 2015. Autumn Sage will be coming out Jan. 22nd, The Sheriff Takes a Bride (Joaquin’s story) will be out in March, High Country Spring (Franny’s story) will be out this summer, and The Farmer Takes a Wife (Laura and Marcus’s story) will be out in the fall. And that will finish off the Las Morenas series.
“But what about Juan?” some of you might be asking. Juan will get a book, which will be the first in a news series I’m tentatively calling Los Caballeros. This series will be set in Mexican-era California and one of the books will be the Senor and Senora’s story. Trust me, that one will be worth the wait. 🙂
So that’s the look back at what happened and the look ahead at what I’ve got planned for next year. And now I’ve got to get back to whipping all these stories into shape…