
Liebster Award!

I was tagged for the Liebster Award!  Both Badass Romance and Emma Barry were kind enough to nominate this little blog.  The Liebster Award is a way to pay it forward for smaller blogs.  But I have to do some work to earn this award.  I must: List 11 random facts about myself. Answer 11 … Read more

The Lazy Homesteader: Bread

I really, really enjoy making my own bread.  There’s nothing to equal the taste of bread fresh from your own oven, whether it’s white sandwich bread (which is so completely unlike white bread from the store, it’s entirely another species), crusty French bread, or soft, spongy pita bread, there’s nothing in the store to rival … Read more

Another milestone reached!

Yesterday, I finished my second full length novel! Well, to be honest, finished is maybe kind of too strong.  When I write first drafts, they are very terrible–it’s really only dialogue and telling at this point.  I force my characters to run the course of the plot so that I can figure out how they … Read more

Flora and Fauna of the San Jacintos: Coyotes

Coyotes have been a part of the legends of the West ever since man began creating stories about this region.  In Native American stories, the coyote is often portrayed as a trickster, and you could say he’s played the ultimate trick by surviving–and thriving–in humanized environment.  You could call him the ultimate adapter, since he’s … Read more

Progress Report

So, I finished the novella I was working on, the one that is a companion to Summer Chaparral.  (Which also happens to be my very first finished novel!) I intended this novella to be a romance about two nice people, whose very niceness gets in the way of them getting together.  But as I was … Read more