So, remember how I said I’d been in kind of a funk the past few weeks? And not hitting my target word count? (Although it was still a decent word count.)
Well, it’s now officially over! Last week, I hit my target daily average word count of 2.5k! If I can keep this up (or go even higher *fingers crossed*) I’ll be done revising Summer Chaparral in only two weeks. Obviously, I’m pretty pleased with myself, and I do think that I was able to do it thanks to my handy dandy Excel spreadsheet. Accountablility for the win here!
At this rate, I’m on track to finish revising the current WIP, finish the accompanying novella and revise it, and start book #2 in the series, and all before the end of the year. And after the first of next year, I’ll start looking for critique partners, write a query and a synopsis, and then start looking for an agent. I’m waiting until next year to look for a critique partner due to family stuff that will happen at the end of the year that would make it hard for me to keep up my end of the CP bargain.
I’m excited right now about how my writing is going. Finishing these revisions is great step on my road map to publication. It’s an early step, but it is a big one. And now, back to upping this week’s word count!