I know you can’t see me, but be assured that I am hanging my head in shame. Not only have I not been keeping up with writing on the blog, I also haven’t been writing at ALL. Not a single, solitary word in my WIP. I was doing so well with my daily word counts for so long, and then I skidded to a dead halt.
My excuse is that I got a job. It’s only part-time, but when you add that to my almost full time mommy duties, we’re talking a job and a half on my hands now. This is the first day I’ve had in over a month where I didn’t have at least one lecture or quiz to write. And that’s only thanks to my husband taking the kids out of the house all day yesterday.
But enough of my whining. The job is still going to take up a lot of my free time, but I’m committed to carving out more for writing now. I just have to get my flabby writing muscles back in shape now . . .